
BBQ Chicken Burgers with Jalapenos & BBQ Sauce

I’m back on the blog, after a crazy busy, yet exciting, full of fun first quarter of 2016. And the come back had to exciting so, I bring to you the yummiest of all recipes “BBQ Chicken Burgers” topped with pickled jalapenos and drizzled with chili mayo and savory BBQ sauce and of course loads of cheese!

This is a must-try Burger Weekend kind of a recipe, so you cannot miss trying this out. This recipe is special, as it’s by my sister who is an Ah-mazing, Ah-mazing cook, a die-hard foodie and one who loves making delicious food for everyone (yes, we’re the lucky ones ๐Ÿ˜€ ).

I asked on my FB Page here, that how many of you want the recipe of these burgers and a lot of you  said “You Want It”, well it’s finally here for you try and enjoy.


It’s Burger Weekend here at TTTB and we’re celebrating with BBQ Chicken burger with jalapenos and flavorsome BBQ sauce and chili mayo. Gone are the days of simple lettuce, tomato kind of a burger. Try out a different kind of a burger, you’ll love the change that’s full of flavor.

Happy Burger Weekend!

BBQ Chicken Burgers with Jalapenos

“BBQ Chicken Burgers” topped with pickled jalapenos and drizzled with chili mayo and savory BBQ sauce and of course loads of cheese!
Prep Time10 mins
Cook Time15 mins
Total Time25 mins
Servings: 4
Author: Hirra Pervaiz


For Burgers

  • 500 Grams 1lb Ground Chicken
  • 1/4 Cup Bread Crumbs
  • 1 Green Onion (chopped, finely)
  • 2 Tbsp Coriander (chopped, finely)
  • 1 tsp Brown Sugar
  • 2 tsp Dry Mustard
  • 1 tsp Salt (or to taste)
  • 1 tsp Paprika Powder
  • 1/4 tsp Garlic Powder
  • 5 Tbsp Barbecue Sauce (divided (homemade or store bought, I used store bought))

For Serving

  • Burger Buns (toasted on grill)
  • Pickled Jalapenos
  • Cheddar Cheese (slices)
  • Additional Barbecue Sauce
  • Ice Berg Lettuce
  • Chili Mustard Mayo


  • To make the burgers, combine the ground chicken, breadcrumbs, green onion, coriander, brown sugar, spices and 2 tablespoons of the barbecue sauce in a medium bowl and mix gently until well combined. Form the mixture into four equal patties. Transfer to a plate and refrigerate until ready to grill.
  • Meanwhile, prepare the Chili Mustard Mayo by mixing together Mayonnaise, mustard paste and chili sauce about 2 Tbsp each.
  • Oil the grates of the grill. Place the burger patties on the heated grill and cook about 3-4 minutes. Flip the burgers and brush the cooked sides generously with some of the remaining 3 tablespoons of barbecue sauce. Cook about 3 minutes, then flip once more and brush the second side with barbecue sauce. Top with cheese slices, Cook just until cooked through and cheese is melted.
  • On the toasted buns spread Chili Mustard Mayo, place iceberg lettuce, the grilled burger patty, some more Chili Garlic Mayo, Barbecue Sauce and pickled jalapenos. Add cheese according to your liking.
  • Serve with fries, slaw, extra BBQ sauce and Devour!
For your Pinning Pleasure


  • nikki

    you cooked the patty with the sauce? doesn't it give a burned taste?

  • Hirra Pervaiz

    Hey Nikki, The sauce was added in the ground chicken mixture and then made a patty out of it. It gives the patty a very flavorful taste. Do try it out ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Salma Dinani

    That burger looks amazing! Glad you're back and with an awesome recipe!

  • Hirra Pervaiz

    Thanks Salma! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Aneela Pervez

    From where to get pickeled jalapenos or to pickle them at home?

  • Aneela Pervez

    From where to get pickeled jalapenos or to pickle them at home?

  • Hirra Pervaiz

    Hey Aneela, Pickled Jalapenos are easily available at grocery stores, check there sauce and dips section, you'll find pickled jalapenos jar there


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