
Chicken Biryani

A rice dish from the sub-continent that no other dish can match in grandeur, rich flavors and taste is Biryani. It is a royal dish prepared with myriad of spices, absorbing the rich flavors from the meat and the aromatic rice that makes it elegant and supremely royal. Since it’s


Cheese Stuffed French Toast with Ice-Cream

This Independence day weekend I wanted to try a different breakfast. The French Toast addict in me wanted to have French Toast for breakfast but not the classic one. It had to be creative, glorious, delicious and something that’s absolutely gluttonous, and that’s when I came up with this spectacular


Healthy Breakfast | Chia Pudding with Peaches

Superfoods are all the rage these days, with their magical properties they are to provide super health benefits which we normally don’t get from the kind of foods we eat everyday. With so much hype around these, when I came across Chia Seeds I was a bit skeptical in trying


Spiced Plum Chutney (No Peel, Fresh Plums)

In this part of the world, we have the juiciest fruit from stone fruit family, Ruby Red Plums. These are gorgeous to look at and wonderfully delicious. While the season lasts and we still get fresh produce, the perfect way to use up this summer fruit is to make Spiced


Mango Mousse Tart (No Bake ~ No Cook)

It’s Eid time .. we are still in the Eid break mode and this will continue throughout this week too, which is completely fine with us. We are having all kinds of delicious treats and totally loving it. This year around for Eid I wanted to make something different, not


Rotini with Spicy Meat Sauce

I love pasta in all shapes and sizes and with all kinds of sauces and cheeses (umm..ok not all kinds but yes most of it). I mean, you can never go wrong with a pasta dish and it’s such a quick fix. Just throw in a few ingredients add any


Baked Chicken Cheese Discs & Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s of the world. We don’t express our feelings to our dads mostly, but there’s hardly anything we can do without them. Like they say ” When all else fails, call dad!” This father’s day just say it to him, how much he means